Do you know the smallest inhabited island in Spain?

Did your know ... ?

Tabarca Island is Spain´s first marine reserve.

Being a small archipielago of islets, it was declared a marine reserve in 1986.
In the archipielago, it is worth mentioning Nao, Galera and Cantera islets, which stand out together with Tabarca island itsef.

It was declared a historicartistic site in 1964

Given the existence of archaelogical sites and for being one of the examples of military architecture as it is a fortified urban complex.

It is on National Geographic´s best beaches vist.

Awarded with the «blue-flag», Tabarca tops the world list of the best beaches thanks to its crystal clear waters and its pleasant climate.

Where is it located?

Tabarca is located only 8,4km away from Santa Pola port

We choose this port of departure because it is the closest to the island and in this way we reduce the sailing distance.
We are aware that sailing with waves may be uncomfortable for our excursionists and so everything that reduces the sailing time helps us offer you a better experience.

The duration of our trip from Santa Pola to Tabarca¨'s Island is only 25 minutes

The catamarans we use have all comforts ( drinks, service/bar, toilet, open terrace and the incredible underwater viewing room divided in four viewpoints, where you can appreciate all the marine fauna once we arrive to the island).

What does Tabarca Experience offer you?

Bus pick-up at the terminal

Pick up at Alicante's port by our guide identified with the "Tabarca Experience" sign. Delivery of the welcome pack and bus taking you to Santa Pola's port.

Roundtrip in catamaran with underwather vision

Ses trip in catamaran with underwater vision, Duration of the trip: 25 minutes. This includes a stop at the marine reserve to see and enjoy the seabed.

Accompanied by tour guides at all times

Our guides will accompany the group at all times. From the departure point in Alicante's port until the amval, giving support, guidance and solutions to any potential issues.

Nueva Tabarca Museum

Museum entrance.
Entrance to the audiovisual museum where you'll discover the history of the locals, their customs, way of living and the origin of the Tabarca's town.

Guided tour

Route with our guides through the different gates that dose the fortification that surrounds the village, as well as throught all the areas of touristic interest in the island (beaches with crystal clear waters, fortified wall, pirate settlement...)

Traditional tabarquina meal (optional)

We give you the option of getting a menu in a local restaurant that includes traditional food from the island.
This is a very convenient option for you not worry about choosing where to eat.



Pick up

Our official guides will be waiting for the group with the corresponding signs from «Tabarca Experience».

They will hand out accreditations that must be carried by each person during the whole trip.

You’ll get on the bus and start the trip to Santa Pola. The trip will last about 20 minutes, and you will be given a backpack with items suach as hats, fans and bottles of water.


Santa Pola - Tabarca Island

The bus will drop us at the boarding area in Santa Pola port, where the catamaran with underwater vision will be waiting for us.

The duration of the catamaran trip is 25 minutes including a stop at the Tabarca marine reserve to enjoy the seabed of the island.


Tabarca Island

Once in Tabarca, a meeting point will be chosen.
Passengers will have to be there 10 minutes before boarding.

We will carry out the following activities:

  • Tabarca museum visit
  • Visualization of the audiovisual documentary at the «Nueva Tabarca» museum.
  • Guided tour to enjoy the touristic places in the island.
  • Lunch in a local restaurant


Return to the cruise

We will meet 10 minutes before the departure of the ferry. We will board the ferry and return to Santa Pola’s port.

A bus will be waiting for us to take the group back the starting point